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RBC Life Sciences

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Enjoy a Healthy, Wealthy Lifestyle
An Independent Member of RBC Life Sciences

Our Mission
To help people, throughout the world, achieve better health and improve the quality of their lives.

The corporate headquarters are located in Irving, Texas. RBC is presently utilizing a 119,000 square foot facility to house their communications center, research lab, offices and shipping department.

RBC is a 15 year old publicly traded nutritional and wellness company that has positioned itself to capture a significant portion of the next trillion dollar business revolution.

This progressive company was started and is run by Dr. Clinton Howard. Dr. Howard has an impeccable business track record over the last forty years. In the 50's he started American Biomedical Corp., which became the largest network of medical testing laboratories in America at the time. In the 60's, he was founding president of Irving Community Hospital. In the 70's, he founded Carrington Laboratories, which brought the miraculous healing powers of aloe vera to the market place.

After visiting his mother in a nursing home during the 90's, Clinton Howard gave up retirement to found RBC Life Sciences. He believed people could live longer and age more successfully. He believed he had the biochemistry and nutritional background as well as the product to help people live longer, healthier lives…and he proved it.

His mission became better nutrition for better health. That mission evolved into a 35 million dollar company uniquely positioned to appeal to the three largest segments in the nutritional arena.

First is the weight loss and weight management area. According to a recent Harris poll, 80% of Americans over the age of 25 are overweight and one third of adults are considered obese. These people are eating and drinking billions of dollars worth of products to try and help them lose and maintain their weight. RBC offers them a solution to win their battle against weight management.

Second, RBC is in the sports and fitness arena. Today more and more of the population are participating in some type of physical activity. Health and fitness clubs are popping up everywhere. We see people sculpting their bodies, doing aerobic exercises, running, lifting, biking, skating, walking, swimming, playing all types of games from beach volley ball to golf. This is a huge segment of our population looking for products that can help them perform better. RBC can answer their search to have more energy, work out longer, build muscle faster and recover quicker.

The third segment is the Wellness business, which targets one of the largest groups of people on the planet…baby boomers. These people are spending billions on products, equipment and services to try to slow down or reverse the aging process. They seek to prolong life and minimize the effects of aging, to support their immune system, improve their mental and physical potential…RBC has their solutions.

By targeting these three areas - weight loss, fitness and the wellness industry - RBC has a huge opportunity to help people with their health and wealth.

Giving RBC the competitive edge over any other company in these arenas is RBC's trademarked NanoCeuticals. Our products are developed using Nanotechnology and a revolutionary NanoCluster delivery system. These teeny tiny particles are about 100,000th of the size of a single grain of sand and can be used to help carry more nutrition into your cells.

We are the first company in network marketing to incorporate Nanotechnology into our product line. Nanotechnology today is where the Internet was ten years ago. Venture capital companies were investing billions into new companies trying to capture a piece of the technology gold rush. Today, Nanotechnology is starting to draw some of the same attention.

It's an exciting time and RBC is an exciting company on the threshold of changing the way we look, feel and live.

 © 2006, RBC Life Sciences, Inc. | PRIVACY POLICY