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Success Stories
Builders Pool | Lifestyle | Car Bonus

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I made $3,078 in my first 3 days!


- Roy, Georgia


I made $3,100 in 10 days!


- Don, Wisconsin


I’m a full-time real estate agent. The last eight days of my first month in the business I made close to $2,000 as a bonus (with RBC’s Builders Pool). To say I’m excited is an understatement…I’m excited to be a part of this team.


- Lance, Texas


In the last sixty days, I made $5,000 in bonuses from the Builders Pool. Thank you very much RBC Life Sciences.

- Samuel, California



I made over $3,500 in sixty days and I’m really pleased to have this going on and to offer it to other people…I’m so excited about our new Builders Pool.

- Mary, California


We earned almost $1,000 last month just form the Builder’s Pool. That’s on top of our full-time check that we earn from RBC. The Builders Pool is awesome and it’s such a great business building tool.

- Sylvia, Dallas



I was expecting a small check of a couple of hundred dollars, but it turned out to be $2,000 and it’s just revolutionized my future and my life. I am so excited…

- Judy, Toronto



In the last six or seven days of (my first) month….I made over $1,000…I’m very excited to be involved with this company…especially because of the Builders Pool…It can’t get any better than that…well, it can, and it will…I’m going to work at it.

- Joel, Boston


I was able to earn an extra $3,400 by just introducing the product and the business to some of my friends, who are, also, very excited about it.

- Lena, California

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