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I.Q. DHA (60 CAPS)
USD $26.25 #1690

Supplemental Facts


I.Q. DHA (60 CAPS)

Your brain is arguably the most important, and certainly the most complex organ in the body. RBC provides one of the most important nutrients for the brain, I.Q.TM It is a vegetarian source of the omega-3 essential fatty acid called DHA.   

DHA for Your Brain and Eyes

DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid), an omega-3 fatty acid, is an important building block of brain tissue. The brain is 60% fat, and DHA is approximately 30% of your brain and a major compound in the retina of the eye. It is essential for healthy brain and eye function.*

Today the average American's diet is about 100 mg lower in DHA than it was 50 years ago because we eat fewer organ meats and eggs. In fact, North America has one of the lowest DHA levels in the world. Vegetarians are particularly vulnerable to low DHA levels. Low levels of DHA have been correlated with changes in disposition, memory loss and visual and other neurological conditions. This decline in DHA consumption has also led to an unhealthy imbalance between omega-3 fatty acids and the more plentiful omega-6 fatty acids. I.Q.TM puts DHA back into your diet, helping you maintain healthy blood levels of this substance.*

DHA for Your Nervous System and Heart

The cells in the brain, retina and other parts of the nervous system transport electrical currents and send messages throughout the body. DHA supplementation supports the optimal composition of nerve cell membranes necessary for the most effective transmission of these signals. DHA is also important for maintaining a healthy heart and cardiovascular system.*

RBC's IQ DHA - A vegetarian source

Fish are high in DHA because they consume microalgae, which manufacture DHA. Until recently, the primary source of DHA was fish oil. However, Royal BodyCare now provides the only vegetarian source of this essential omega-3 fatty acid. DHA is extracted under tightly controlled manufacturing conditions and is free of chemical pollutants that may be present in fish oils.

Benefits to New Mothers

The importance of DHA can be seen clearly in the composition of human breast milk. DHA is the most abundant fatty acid in breast milk because it is essential for proper development of the baby's brain, eyes and nervous system. Unfortunately, DHA levels in the breast milk of U.S. women are among the lowest in the world.

DHA is critically important for pregnant and nursing women. Studies show that breastfed babies who have an increased level of DHA in their brains also have IQ advantages over babies fed formula without DHA. An additional 200 mg of DHA (2 capsules of I.Q.TM) per day returns the breastmilk of the average mother to healthy levels.*

The DHA in I.Q.TM capsules is so safe that it has been incorporated into infant formulas in the US and Europe. RBC's DHA has been rigorously tested for safety and approved for use in baby formula. 

DHA for Healthy Kids

A great deal of research conducted on omega-3 fatty acids points to the fact that I.Q.TM does much more than support the brain and eyes. The inclusion of DHA in a child's diet has been shown to improve learning ability; whereas DHA deficiencies are associated with both learning and behavioral disorders. Low DHA levels are associated with behavior problems in children and neurological conditions in adults. Mood disorders have been successfully corrected with omega-3 supplementation.  Studies have shown that DHA can help improve difficult breathing and environmental sensitivities. The positive effects of DHA supplementation are still being discovered as this exciting research continues.*

Daily Food for Your Brain

Daily use of I.Q.TM can normalize the levels of DHA in your blood.*  Feed your brain and eyes with I.Q. every day to keep them functioning at their peak for years to come. 


* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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